October 2015

SURVIVORS: Jesus Heals a Paralytic.

Luke 5:17-26 Jesus Heals a Paralytic – How God can “rescue” someone in this world.

September 2015

SURVIVORS: The Woman at the Well.

John 4:1-26 The Woman at the Well; Placing their trust in Jesus.

SURVIVORS: Manna in the Desert.

Exodus 16:1-18 Manna in the Desert – Taking your needs (and desires) to God.

SURVIVORS: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Daniel 3:1-27 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Turning to God when persecuted.

SURVIVORS: Ruth and Naomi.

Ruth 1 Ruth and Naomi The importance of making good friendships.

August 2015

SURVIVORS: Moses and the Burning Bush.

Exodus 3:1-20 Moses and the Burning Bush Looking to God for comfort and guidance.
